Websites | Web Apps | Digital Solutions | Consulting

WebShed make the web easy for you and your business by providing highly effective web design & digital solutions for your customers and content editors.

Webshed provide web design, web development, consulting, custom built websites, web apps, e-commerce, custom cloud software and digital solutions that help your business and streamline processes. WebShed is based in Hastings, Hawke's Bay. We service clients locally in Napier, Hastings, Hawke's Bay but we also have many clients from all over New Zealand and in Australia.

Websites that make your life easy...

"Our websites look and function beautifully for users, they also make your life easy."

WebShed make your day to day administration of the website easy and help automate your processes.

Website Audits

Do you know if your website or application is achieving its goals or purpose? Do you know where to take your website next? We can provide the answers for you.


Website Requirements

Are you looking to build a new website or go out to market for a new website? If yes, how do you know you will get what you and your users want? We can help.


Website Usability

Every decision you make for a website or application needs to take into account the user. How they will use it and make it easy for them to use. Let us help you get it right.


Is maintaining websites not your thing?

WebShed can save you time and stress by managing your website content for you.

With our knowledge, changes are often made more quickly meaning a faster turnaround for your customers. This frees you up to focus upon your business while we keep your website as our priority.

View our plans

A word from some of our clients...

Webshed have worked on numerous successful projects over the years, don't just take our word for it.

Have a look through our website and view some of our work and testimonials from a variety of our clients.

Our WorkTestimonials

Find out more about WebShed.

WebShed design and build websites, web applications, custom cloud software and digital solutions that help businesses and streamline their processes. WebShed was established in 2012 and works with all businesses, local government, clubs and community groups of all sizes to provide highly effective web & digital solutions.

WebShed is based in Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.

About Us